On September 6, 2022, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals held that families suing Chiquita Brands International for supporting the paramilitaries who murdered their loved ones in Columbia could continue toward their trials. In a unanimous, 104 page opinion the...
We Fight Against Injustice – Wherever It May Arise
Year: 2022
Are electric cars truly green?
What you might not know about your electric vehicle The spotlight on electric cars has never been brighter. Tesla has brought cutting-edge electric vehicles (“EVs”) into the mainstream. However, a surface-level look at the e-transports reveals that they are not often...
Watch out for gift card fraud
Gift cards have become commonplace in recent years for people of all ages, so it's not surprising scammers have found a way to exploit them. About 2/3 of consumers have given or received a gift card, but a recent AARP survey reveals that 1/5 of them do not work. In...
“Forever Chemicals” are everywhere – Fast Food? Makeup? Water? Pots and Pans? Yep. And they aren’t going away anytime soon.
“Forever Chemicals” - Chemicals that don’t go away Commonly known as “forever chemicals”, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) are manufactured by major corporations like 3M, Honeywell, and DuPont, and used in industry and consumer products, since the 1940s. One...
Bittersweet: Slave labor in chocolate labeled “sustainably” sourced?
According to FoodIsPower, chocolate is the Ivory Coast’s primary source of export. However, the pay of $1 per day is not enough of a living wage for adult workers. It is reported that millions of children in the Ivory Coast and Ghana work on cocoa farms. In spite of...
Examples of wrongful termination
In a state as large as California, there are often cases of wrongful termination. These cases can lead to litigation when an employee believes that their termination violated the law. It's a highly contested area of labor relations. What is wrongful termination?...
Is working off the clock legal?
Have you ever had a boss try to force you to work off the clock? They may have tried to make you come in early without punching in or tried to make you stay and work after you had already punched out. These and a host of other related work practices are all too common...
False and deceptive advertising
False and deceptive advertising is an ongoing problem in California and around the country. Many industries use tactics to trick consumers into paying more than advertised. The broadband and cable industries use hidden fees for consumers to pay a higher cost. The...